欅並木にんふふふふふ自転車かるく鼻歌ひとつふるさとなら阿佐ヶ谷今も町はときどき遠く近く そろそろ おはよう朝が今日もやってくるよ君の屋根に また夢に見た昨日の明日この町角で出会った頃をふるさとなら阿佐ヶ谷今もふたりはとき… 続きを読む ふるさとは阿佐ヶ谷
カテゴリー: words
ぼくの奥歯 銀歯
数十年前に詰めた銀歯の下が虫歯になっておるということで治療中の私です。Google Mapによるとわずか450mの道のり、炎天下をえっちらおっちら自転車を漕いだ。到着して待合席に着席。するとApple Watchがぶるぶ… 続きを読む ぼくの奥歯 銀歯
R U Happy?
Lonely people, lonely nightsOver the cloudy sky you seeVeils of flames, tears and criesEureka, we find the way… 続きを読む R U Happy?
It Reminded Me of A Story About Blooming Water Lillies
睡蓮の花が咲く物語を思い出したInto deliriumOur life goes on 音を閉じた硝子越しの世界風わたるIn a silent museumOur life goes on みつめあうみとめあうもとめあ… 続きを読む It Reminded Me of A Story About Blooming Water Lillies
Window Riding
夜を見おろして風の中をふりさく夢に溺れ 時は過ぐSo it goesそう言っとこうYou know 夜にこぼれおつ乱反射と排気音窓はすべて 閉ざされてSo it goesそう言っとこうI know Window ridi… 続きを読む Window Riding
So Many Stories
So many stories come and goThrough my mindDreaming a dreamy dreamNow I’m bound and blind Guarding angels… 続きを読む So Many Stories
Counting Drips of Life
Counting drips of lifeI feel the lightBrightYou can change the tideTry Songs you wroteAnd loves you sharedAnd … 続きを読む Counting Drips of Life
She Told Me to Sleep Tight
Lying under the moonlightSoon there comes the sunriseIt’s never too lateDreaming wide awake From a lack … 続きを読む She Told Me to Sleep Tight
Voices, Voices
In a silent cloudy nightI don’t know which voice tells truthWaiting for the guiding lightWith you (from the al… 続きを読む Voices, Voices
Anywhere Anyhow Anytime Anyway
The wind is crying with no soundSomething quiet turns you downLife is just a game to playIt’ll end anyway I do… 続きを読む Anywhere Anyhow Anytime Anyway