Anywhere Anyhow Anytime Anyway

The wind is crying with no sound
Something quiet turns you down
Life is just a game to play
It’ll end anyway

I don’t know where I’ve been
I’m just sleeping
Am I dreaming?
So clean
I don’t remember what I’ve seen
I’m just freezing
Am I breathing?
In the land of brightest white
So clean
My drowning neck-deep
You can make me
Or cry

While I am sound asleep
I’m just sleeping
Am I dreaming?
So bleak
It’s cold out on the street
I’m just freezing
Am I breathing?
In the land of helping hands
So sweet
I’m like a lost sheep
You can take me
Anywhere anyhow
Anywhere anytime
Anywhere anyway

(from the album “Views From 13th Floor East”)

カテゴリー: words